How can it be too soon for Christmas?

This Saturday two of our marvelous volunteers Tilly and Nadia put up our festive fare display in the bookshop. These includes great gifts and sweet treats from Oxfam’s range of fair-trade, ethically made and sourced products. Which is ticking all kinds of excellent Oxfam Values Boxes. I have been volunteering, and then working for Oxfam…

Balham Buskathon and our week-long ‘music festival’

The Oxjam Balham Buskathon If you’ve walked along Balham High Road since Friday you’ll no doubt have spotted the glorious pink Oxjam banner hanging outside the shop. Saturday’s Balham Buskathon (I love the alliteration) will be happening 12pm – 4pm. Horay! Follow Oxjam Balham on social media for more regular updates: Facebook: Twitter: and…

Monsoon Reading

Balham seems to be in the midst of a monsoon. Downstairs in the shop’s basement the music is turned up to cover the sound of the driving rain. It’s really wonderful to see people come in to the shop in weather like this, even if it’s just to get out of the rain! The good…

The Bees by Laline Paull

‘Born into the lowest class of her society, Flora 717 is a sanitation bee, only fit to clean her orchard hive. Living to accept, obey and serve, she is prepared to sacrifice everything for her beloved holy mother, the Queen. But enemies are everywhere, from the fearsome fertility police to the high priestesses who jealously…

Looking forward to Oxjam

October is Oxjam month! There will be hundreds of music events taking place up and down the UK for Oxfam’s Oxjam festival. The volunteer-led Oxjam Festival has been rocking people’s socks off since 2006. Clapham is one of the largest Oxjam areas, which means there’ll be loads of exciting gigs happening. I have it on…

Welcome Back

  Hello and welcome back to the Oxfam Balham blog! My Day as a Volunteer I have recently started here at Oxfam Balham (roughly a month ago) and I am very excited to be taking over the internet realm of Oxfam. A typical volunteer shift is four hours long (10am – 2pm or 2pm –…

On Leaving Balham

The first time I ever set foot in Balham I was coming to look at the half-built bookshop I was about to take over. I had spent the previous few weeks on a half-hearted ‘induction’, visiting various Oxfam bookshops around London during which legions of volunteers had taken the opportunity to inform me that I was shortly…

Lambeth in 1910

Here are some postcards that we have been given showing familiar places in Lambeth over a hundred years ago. It is fascinating how many places are recognisable. Available for sale through our website.

Pop-Up Reading

On Monday the 23rd of March we will be hosting some students from Middlesex University who will be reading some of their original work. We hope this will be a fun few hours in which the shop will be filled with the sound of new ideas and innovative writing. They will be with us between 1pm…